Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sewing for Victory

Rochelle over at Lucky Lucille is have a sew along right up my alley!  1940s sewing?  Why yes.  I have plenty of patterns to go that route with.  

Last week I won the free fabric lotto.  Friend was giving away lots of fabric.  Several were full bolts.  FULL BOLTS OF FABRIC! One in particular jumped right out at me and begged to be taken home and made in to the Shirtwaist Dress, from Gertie's New Book For Better Sewing.

It's even shirred in the back!

I traced out my pattern pieces and pulled out the muslin, very excited to start this dress finally.  And then I reread the directions for like, the 15th time.  And realized I was having a Rescue Remedy moment, feeling pressured to finish this, and have it look perfect.  So I did what any logical sewist would do while trying to decide to use this as my challenge piece.  Start a new project!  

I wanted to try something simpler, especially since my serger is still out for repair.  And as I was cutting my muslin, I realized that this pattern is a 1940s reproduction.  DUH.  So I've decided that this will be my challenge piece.  I don't have to feel overwhelmed with this, and that is the whole point, to have fun.

In the true "Make do and mend" spirit of 1940s sewing, this is using items I already have (with the exception of buttons, which I will buy vintage, and a zipper).  Which is good, it means minimal cost to me!  

Most of the muslin (or as the lady at the Joann counter calls it, "Muslim, you always find a use for Muslim.") got made up today.  I'm really excited for this.  It is a really simple classic wardrobe staple.  I'm currently working on View C, but I have a feeling I'll be making all the other views as well.  I'm hoping to have my serger back in time to do seam finishes, but if not, I'll go true vintage and just do a clean finish seam.  I'll be back with pics soon!  Especially once I choose which of the fabrics to use!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a great idea to with a pattern that you feel you can tackle more easily :) You're right, it should be fun! A lot of people are making this pattern but I think that's wonderful because with all the different views and possible fabrics to use, I know everyone's will be so different! Looking forward to seeing yours :)
